treelign | |||
-i input_aln : an incoming multiple sequence alignment (MSA) file |
-t input_tree : an incoming (binary newick) phylogenetic tree, each exterior node of which represents a distinct sequence in the incoming MSA | |||
-a input_seq : an incoming fasta file which contains a query sequence |
-o output_aln : an outcoming MSA file, the alignment of the query sequence and the incoming MSA |
-n output_tree:an outcoming (binary newick) phylogenetic tree, constructed by assigning the novel sequence to the incoming tree |
-f alnformat : format of input MSA, 0-clustalw, 1-fasta |
-F alnformat : format of output MSA, 0-clustalw, 1-fasta |
-x besthit : optional, the best hit result for searching input_seq against input_aln using BLAST |
-r radius : optional, the radius of the search space |
example | |||
./treelign -i example/T1.aln -t example/T1.tree -a example/T1.seq -o example/T1.newaln -n example/T1.newtree -f 0 -F 0 |
./treelign -i example/test.aln -t example/test.tree -a example/test.seq -o example/test.newaln -n example/test.newtree -f 0 -F 1 |
./treelign -i example/test.aln -t example/test.tree -a example/test.seq -o example/test.newaln -n example/test.newtree -f 0 -F 1 |
./treelign -i example/test.aln -t example/test.tree -a example/test.seq -o example/test.newaln -n example/test.newtree -f 0 -F 1 -x 2107 -r 0.3 | |||
notice | |||
The lengths of names of species can not exceed 200 letters. | |||
The incoming phylgoenetic tree should be a binarized newick tree; otherwise, an error may occur. | |||
If you only want to obtain the resulting phylogenetic tree rather than the alignment, you may remove the poorly aligned columns in input_aln (e.g. which are composed of more than 80% gaps) before using TreeLign. Removing low quality columns makes TreeLign run faster and more accurately. | |||
If besthit and radius is not set, TreeLign still tries every possible position for phylogenetic assignment. However, if they are set, TreeLign will only search nodes that are within certain distance to the best hit node, therefore, the accuracy of besthit and the value of radius will greatly affect the accuracy of TreeLign. Usually, the larger the radius is, the more accurate the result is. |
program | ||
input_aln : an incoming multiple sequence alignments file | ||
input_tree : an incoming (binary newick) phylogenetic tree file, each exterior node of which represents a distinct sequence in the incoming MSA | ||
output_aln : an optimized multiple sequence alignments file | ||
output_tree : an optimized (binary newick) phylogenetic tree | ||
format_of_input_aln : 0 - clustalw, 1 - fasta | ||
format_of_output_aln: 0 - clustalw, 1 - fasta | ||
num_of_pass : optional, an positive interger; if num_of_pass is set, the script terminates when the total number of mutations converages or when every leaf node has been removed and re-inserted back for the given number of passes no matter the number of mutations converages or not | ||
working_dir : optional, a working directory for saving intermediate files; if not set, delete all temporary files when the work is done | ||
logfile : optional, a logging file that records the input/output Maximum Parsimony score (the number of mutations) | ||
example | ||
perl example/T1.aln example/T1.tree 0 example/T1_res.aln example/T1_res.tree 0 2 | ||
perl example/T1.aln example/T1.tree example/T1_res.aln example/T1_res.tree 0 0 2 tmp_working_dir logfile |
edgecost | ||
-t input_tree : an incoming (binary newick) phylogenetic tree, of newick format | ||
-i input_aln : an incoming multiple sequence alignment, must be clustalw format | ||
-s treeSizeCap: tree size capacity, any number that is larger than the number of nodes on the tree should be OK | ||
-n output_tree: the outcoming phylogenetic tree, with edge cost assigned | ||
example | ||
./edgecost -t example/T1.newtree -i example/T1.newaln -s 300 -n example/T1.edgecost.newaln | ||
./edgecost -t example/test.newtree -i example/test.newaln -s 500 -n example/test.edgecost.newaln | ||
notice | ||
Notice: If a segmentation fault comes up, it might be because that the treeSizeCap is not large enough, try setting a larger number for it. |